In my last post I wrote about how Start Global prepared us for TechCrunch Disrupt in London, which was the starting point of our fundraising campaign. Not long after we got back from that, we [...]
I recently blogged about the investment we raised in Cyacomb. Obviously I’d like to think this was mostly the result of my personal skill and charisma, but in fact there were a couple of [...]
There are a very small number of businesses that I unequivocally recommend because I have had such excellent experiences from them – and that might be the subject of a blog post of [...]
Back in February I wrote about the excellent Future Sales Factory course Real Sales Skills. If you, or anyone in your company, would benefit from improved skills and confidence in sales, then [...]
I’ve been to quite a number of professional development events this month, and I have more planned, so I thought I’d share what I’d been up to in case anyone else is looking for similar training. [...]
Last year when I was reviewing what I had done to continue to build my professional skills, I realised it was a long time since I had done anything on sales. Sales is an important part of my [...]
Any time I present, people who weren’t there ask me afterwards “how did your presentation go?” I have come to realise that there is no need for them to wait until after the [...]