This morning YCF Scotland launched the online version of the YCF Guide to Financing Young Companies. This looks like a really useful resource, with a selection of helpful articles and directory [...]
Startups tend to experience a succession of crises – a subject I’ve already written about in Do the Problems Ever End? It is extremely tempting for a startup team to direct most, if [...]
Bill Aulet from MIT is a well-known face in Scotland, having spoken here many times, notably at the Informatics Ventures Workshops. He also leads the Entrepreneurial Development Course (EDP) [...]
Startups can and should be a melting pot of passion, energy and commitment. Often the team are making their first forays into the world of business. There can be a lot to learn very quickly, and [...]
Let me start with a gross generalisation. British people don’t like talking about money. When I am negotiating in this country, I almost always find that the customer doesn’t want to talk about [...]